Welcome to Xchange

This is where we communicate all the positive contributions that people are making globally, towards a healthy planet with longevity and a big picture approach. This is where we promote the dreamers and the doers. This is where we discuss the huge momentum of positivity in this space. It is also where we will keep you updated on our progress to reducing landfill and how we are tracking, frame by frame. And last but not least, it’s also where we will keep you informed of any relevant sustainability projects we align with. Stay tuned, this is going to be an exciting ride.

Let’s start with some really basic facts.
For the sake of not getting complicated, we are using conservative and approximate numbers to tell this story. If you choose to look at the variables globally, this picture should measure out the approximate average.

Consider this…….
Approximately 50% of people wear glasses
In Australia that is 12,500,000.
On average they buy 2 new pairs of glasses every 2 years.
So what is happening to the 25,000,000 discarded glasses every 2 years? And remember, we are only currently talking about Australia.

Now lets include the USA as a comparison
Population 330,262,423
Glasses 60%
Glasses Population 198,157,453
That’s 198 million glasses bought per year.

Now lets include the UK too
Population 67,886,011
Glasses 68%
Glasses Population 46,162,487
That’s 46 million glasses bought per year.

And here is why we exist……..

The above combined landfill space per year is approx. 2 million ㎡ for just the glasses and for the glasses cases, add another 3 million ㎡ per year.
A total of 5 million ㎡ of landfill every year and thats just the start, we haven’t even begun to discuss sourcing production materials and manufacturing environmental costs.

So begins our our mission of “repurposing eyewear to limit landfill one frame at a time”. Stay in touch for updates on how we are tracking by subscribing to our newsletter.